Mouloud Kessar
Sliding and merging of strongly sheared droplets
Christian Ruyer-Quil, Didier Bresch, Marguerite Gisclon, Gael Richard, Mouloud Kessar, Nicolas Cellier, JFM, 2023
Fully developed anelastic convection with no-slip boundaries
Chris A. Jones, Krzysztof A. Mizerski and Mouloud Kessar , JFM, 2022
Scale Selection in the Stratified Convection of the Solar Photosphere
Mouloud Kessar, David W. Hughes, Evy Kersalé, Krzysztof A. Mizerski, and Steven M. Tobias, ApJ, 2019
The effect of subgrid-scale models on grid-scale/subgrid-scale energy transfers in large-eddy simulation of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Mouloud Kessar, Guillaume Balarac and Franck Plunian, PoP, 2016
Non-Kolmogorov cascade of helicity-driven turbulence
Mouloud Kessar, Franck Plunian, Rodion Stepanov, and Guillaume Balarac, PRE, 2014
Systematic bias in the calculation of spectral density from a three-dimensional spatial grid
Rodion Stepanov, Franck Plunian, Mouloud Kessar, and Guillaume Balarac, PRE, 2014
Phd Thesis
Simulation numérique directe de la turbulence hélicitaire maximale et modèles LES de la turbulence magnétohydrodynamique